Friday 21 January 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ridiculous!

My friends and I had a discussion (not so recently admittedly, but my friends keep telling me to blog about it!) about certain films as a simple 'is it good or bad?' basis.  You would think this would be an easy discussion, however it turns out there are more categories than meets the eye, as you are about to find out!

The argument is that there are good films, but as you would not watch them again, they can then be classified as good bad films, becuase you won't watch them again.  The first film that came to my mind was The Road.  Beautiful, poetic, well written and superbly directed, it is a great film.  I would not watch it again, for reasons I don't want to bore you with, but for those that have seen it, I am sure you will agree.

Now, the next vategory is a bad film that is good, i.e it is not very well made, however due to something that appeals to the viewer, you can watch it over and over again.  Anchorman, and Clueless are good examples of these types of films.  Not much to offer the viewer but humour and another world to absorb into if you just want some easy watching.

Then there are the good good films, one of mine is The Shawshank Redemption.  My usual cinema companion disputed this, stating he would not watch it again and again, as I do, thus the theory starts to fail a little here due to differing opinions!

The last category - the bad bad films.  Now this is a hard film to make, yet certain people in the industry still think it's a good idea, and despite what their familes/colleagues/friends etc tell them, still insist on these films being projected mysteriously into our lives, and why?  Well, not all films can be good or bad.  Or good bad.  Or bad good, or bad bad . . . and so on!  A bad bad film - the worst film I have ever seen?  I will have to think about that one and get back to you next time.  If you can name a bad bad film, please feel free to leave comments, I will be very interetsed to read them!

Until next time, thanks for reading.


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